Installation of CNC lathes
From:Taian Haishu Machinery Co.,Ltd. Updatetime:2013-4-20 17:57:58 Views:
CNC lathe factory has been fully debug, if not installed properly, it will affect the accuracy and performance of the machine, be sure to pay attention!
CNC lathe factory has been fully debug, if not installed properly, it will affect the accuracy and performance of the machine, be sure to pay attention!
1. Removal of the box
CNC lathe outside the box wooden crates. Before installation, place the box removed, according to the following steps:
L lifted the box all the screws and remove the wood.
L shed all screws packaging backplane connected to the frame.
the framework of the box away
L Remove the panel of the machine on both sides of the foot of the bed.
L Remove the bottom of the machine four coupling nut.
• will to the machine to lift and remove the packing floor can.
2. Foundation requirements
Installation of CNC lathes foundation must be strong, flat concrete base, the thickness of 0.3m ~ 0.5m, install the machine should be enough space around the surrounding location should be 1m ~ 1.5m.
3. Installing the initial adjustment
L CNC lathe adjustable shock mounts. When the foundation is cured, lifting machine, respectively, shock mounts screwed into the bed mounting holes.